Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conflicts of Interest

Donald Trump sees his businesses and foundations as no big deal, however expert ethics advisers insist his properties be put into a blind trust to expel any conflicts of interest when it comes to his personal dealings. This imperative duty of using a blind trust is critical as we can see that every president has done this for 40 years. Previous scandals of Trump funneling money from the Trump Foundation to his own businesses has resulted in unrest by politicians and experts, leading to further controversies over his businesses. And while President Trump promised to further himself from these controversies by handing his business over to his sons, he ruins this mediocre image of him being a sensible man by inviting his son-in-law to take high-level government positions. This clear sign of nepotism has resulted in scandal as his actions are under investigation for Russian ties. This issue is important to remember because Trump’s businesses and nepotism may bring other political leaders to the conclusion that Trump may be bought.

A letter sent to the President-elect stated the bipartisan expertise of government officials urging him to “divest your business enterprises into a true blind trust managed by an independent trustee, or the equivalent, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ethics in Government Act.” It’s interesting to see this bipartisan unionship as well as how devout Trump supporters are not afraid to be vocal when it comes to his misconducts. These requests to use a blind trust is not some personal ploy of upset politicians to destroy his businesses, but a valid decision government officials are advising him to take. The letter also states Trump’s lack of political skill when saying, “We write to you again as organizations and individuals from all parts of the political spectrum with expertise in government issues, including ethical conduct and conflicts of interest.” This is an important aspect to his presidency, considering he is not a politician or from a military background. Hopefully, Trump appreciates this guidance and acts upon it. I believe it’s important for him to divest his businesses as the experts advise him considering if he does not do so, other countries may take the opportunity to take advantage of his holdings.

It can be expected that some Trump supporters do not care of his business dealings and prefer him to own his companies considering he was a businessman before becoming President. However, this does not matter considering he has transferred his power from a businessman to the president. His influence may be swayed when it comes to his businesses that will always be in his rear-view mirror if he does not put them into a blind trust. Despite giving his holdings to his children, domestic and foreign affair leaders may still blackmail and hope to achieve their own personal agenda.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Democrats Must Fight

In Richard Eskow’s March 1st, 2017 commentary article - “Trump Offers ‘A Nation of Miracles.’ Your Move, Democrats” - argues for Democrats to become proactive as Donald Trump becomes more “presidential.” The author focuses on Trump’s recent speech at a joint session in Congress. This speech differed from his previous ones, garnering support from Republicans and surprise from the mainstream media. His positive tone and composed stature cloaked the underlying subtext of Republican ideals on infrastructure, healthcare, and Social Security. Eskow notices Republicans have more readily accepted Trump and Trump has more readily accepted their policy standings, which is why this speech did not resemble his other speeches. Eskow also notices the hidden meaning behind key parts of the speech, explaining that financing infrastructure “through public and private capital” would fatten the wallets of parts of his administration. The author continues by evaluating the Democratic response that seemed scattered and bleak. He suggests that Democrats are not fighting, but merely complying and hopes that this will soon change.

Eskow offers an interesting point on the Congressional joint speech. Trump’s even composure led the media to disregard the policies in the speech and convey them to be of not much importance considering his newfound presidential quality of patience. When you think about it, that is what happens. When Barack Obama was president, I was not aware of his decisions because I knew that our President was solid and calm. Because of that, I had no interest - nor did I consider it a need - in learning his policies. That is exactly what is happening here with Trump. Once Trump presents himself as a serene and mature president, reporters may stop grilling him with tough questions. People will go about their day as if there is no unjustness in the world. This cannot happen. I agree with Eskow’s argument; Democrats must step up and must not be blinded by a reassuring tone when dealing with the government.

This article was written for left-wing political supporters considering the Huffington Post leans towards the left-wing when writing their articles. The author makes witty remarks in response to quotes from Trump which also suggests this is an article meant for anti-Trump supporters. He also argues for Democratic action demonstrating the audience is for Democrats. The author, Richard Eskow, was a consultant, policy advisor, and senior executive who worked for the United States as well as more than 20 foreign countries. His experience in a high-profile workplace gives him the credibility to write and discuss his opinions on the recent Congressional joint speech.