From the Politically Correct-ish’s blog, an article, “How Trump Withholding His Tax Return is Affecting Tax Reform,” provides arguments for why Donald Trump should release his tax returns by claiming the unity in the Republican party is ripping at the seams which is resulting in an unsuccessful tax reform bill.
She begins by stating that the possibility of the release of his tax returns might result in widespread anger and frustration. Despite this, she argues that his tax returns are imperative for Republicans to come together in order to openly discuss the bill. With that argument in mind, I don’t believe Trump releasing his tax returns would benefit the economy. Trump should definitely be open about what every president has been open about in the past. His interests would be revealed and his true intentions would be recognized. However, the tax reform bill Republicans have in mind is one that would cut the taxes of the top businesses from 39% to 15%. Personally, I believe the more you make should require you to pay more taxes. Quite simply, the tax reform bill is unacceptable which is why Democrats are voting against the bill. With or without his tax returns, the bill would still be considered unsatisfactory. By this sense, releasing Trump’s tax returns should have no effect on how Congressmen should vote since their vote must be on their belief of whether it is good or bad for the economy.
She goes on to examine how the tax reform bill could have a dramatic effect on Trump as well. She claims he must release his tax returns so politicians and citizens can truly understand how it would benefit him. Despite his possible advantages, she argues Trump should release his tax returns, “no matter what the consequences to follow are.” I agree with this claim. Cowering behind an audit does not allow him to be excused from years of tradition or from the criticism of citizens. In conclusion, I don’t agree with the author’s first reason to release his tax returns; the beliefs of the Congressperson should be what determines whether the tax reform bill gets passed. Yet, I also believe Trump should release his tax returns. After all, if he is such an honest man, then why not?